Chemicals Entered Into Food

What kinds of chemicals are entered into food?

-Partially Hydrogenated Oil

Hydrogenated oils contain high levels of trans fats.
Gives baked goods and snacks a longer shelf life.
Trans fats increase harmful LDL cholesterol and decrease good cholesterol, both of which contribute to heart disease.

- Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO)

BVO is an additive created by mixing vegetable oil with the element bromine.
Gives the flavoring oils in soda the same density as water.
The emulsified flavor oils stay suspended in the drink, boosting flavor in many citric-based fruit and soft drinks.
Causes a significant increase of triglyceride and cholesterol content in both heart and liver. Residues in rats accumulated in body fat, damaging organs including heart, liver, thyroid, testicles, and kidneys.

- High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

HFCS was developed in the 1970s because it was cheaper than cane and beet sugar.
With a high glycemic index, it converts to fat more than any other sugar.
It alters the metabolic rate in a way that favors fat storage.
Research suggests that it is a major factor of obesity HFCS increases the risk for type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, strokes, and cancer.

- Artificial Colors

Artificial colors are chemical compounds made mainly from coal-tar derivatives.
Artificial colors have been linked to allergic reactions, asthma, skin rashes, hyperactivity, headaches and fatigue.
Artificial flavors are cheaply produced chemical mixtures that mimic a natural flavor.
Artificial flavors also linked to numerous sensitivities.

- Benzoate Preservatives: BHT, BHA, TBHQ

Benzoates are antioxidants normally used as sodium, potassium, or calcium salts and their derivatives.
Benzoates are often used in cereals, butter, meats, baked goods, snack foods, dehydrated potatoes, and beer.
Can result in hyperactivity, asthma, urticaria, rhinitis, dermatitis and angiodema.
Believed to cause tumors in lab rats.

- Caffeine

Caffeine is a mildly additive stimulant.
Caffeine increases heartbeat, respiration, basil metabolic rate, gastro enteric reflexes and production of stomach acid and urine.
Caffeine affects the kidneys, increasing urination which can lead to dehydration.
Caffeine is metabolized by the liver.
Caffeine can lead to osteoporosis, infertility, heart disease, jitteriness, headaches, irritability, sleeplessness, possible birth defects, and depression.

- Artificial Sweeteners

- Sucralose (Splenda): artificial sweetener used mainly in diet foods; made by chemically reacting sugar with chlorine sorbitol. Sorbitol is a sweetener used as a thickening agent; maintains moisture in dietetic drinks, foods, candy, shredded coconut and chewing gum; commonly has a laxative effect.

- Acesulfame-K: commonly used in sugar-free baked goods, chewing gum, gelatin desserts and soft drinks.
May be cancerous.

- Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet): can cause sensitivities resulting in headaches, dizziness, and hallucinations Saccharin: has resulted in cancer of the uterus, ovaries, skins, blood vessels and other organs in lab rats; may cause bladder cancer.

- MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)

MSG is an amino acid flavor enhancer Flavor enhancers are believed to stimulate appetites contributing to obesity.
MSG is used mainly in restaurant food, salad dressing, chips, frozen entrees, soup and chips.
MSG includes headaches, nausea, weakness, wheezing, edema, change in heart rate, burning sensation, and difficulty breathing.

- Olestra

Olestra is an indigestible fat substitute used mainly in foods that are fried and baked.
It is a non-absorbable lipid-like substance that inhibits the absorption of some vitamins and other nutrients.
Linked to gastrointestinal disease, diarrhea, gas, cramps, bleeding, and incontinence.
Olestra can collect and assimilate fat-soluble vitamins present in other foods, reducing their ability to be absorbed. Long-term use of Olestra can reduce fat-soluble vitamin (including E, A, D and K) absorption.

- Sodium Nitrite and Nitrate Preservatives

Used in preserving, coloring and flavoring cured meats and fish.
They prevent botulism and are a color fixative.
Nitrites/Nitrates can combine with chemicals in the stomach to form nitrosamine, a highly carcinogenic substance.